Chapter 4: Faculty Roles in Governance

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4.E Central Faculty Governance Committees

The Senate Assembly established several kinds of standing committees to carry out its responsibilities for oversight and advice on areas of University policies and operations. These committees report to the Senate Assembly on a regular basis and, as needed, propose actions to the Assembly. One kind of Senate Assembly committee advises and consults with the vice presidents, vice provosts, and executive officers of the Ann Arbor campus on matters within the areas of their respective responsibilities; these committees also advise SACUA and the Assembly in these areas. The other main kind of Senate Assembly committee advises other University officials and/or assists SACUA and the Assembly in carrying out their responsibilities. From time to time, special Senate Assembly committees are created to assist the Assembly with its work.

The members of all Senate Assembly committees are nominated by SACUA and approved by the Senate Assembly. Some of these committees also have student members, appointed by appropriate units of student governments. SACUA also appoints or nominates faculty members to a number of other University committees that are not committees of the Senate Assembly.

All members of the University Senate are solicited on an annual basis to nominate themselves or their colleagues for these various kinds of committees. All faculty are encouraged to participate in this nomination procedure. For further information about these committees, check the central faculty governance website or email the specific committee at the address listed in handbook sections 4.E.1 Senate Assembly Committees Advising Executive Officers and Vice Presidents and 4.E.2 Other Senate Assembly Standing and Special Faculty Committees.

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4.E.1 Senate Assembly Committees Advising Executive Officers and Vice Presidents

The following committees advise Executive Officers and Vice Presidents.

Academic Affairs Advisory Committee (AAAC): advises and consults with the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs on policy and procedure issues of University concern. The Committee’s input shall be sought and given in a timely manner so that faculty interests and input may be considered during the decision-making process. For more information, email the committee at [email protected].

Communications Advisory Committee: advises and consults with the Vice President for Communications concerning communications-related topics of interest.

Financial Affairs Advisory Committee: advises and consults with the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer concerning topics of interest related to University finance and infrastructure. For more information, email the committee at [email protected].

General Counsel’s Advisory Committee: advises and consults with the Vice President and General Counsel concerning topics of interest related to University litigation and other legal matters of University concern. For more information, email the committee at [email protected]

Medical Affairs Advisory Committee (MAAC): advises and consults with the Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs concerning topics with relevance to the medical enterprise at the University. For more information, email the committee at [email protected].

Research Advisory Committee (RAC): advises and consults with the Vice President for Research concerning topics of interest with relevance to the research enterprise at the University.

Secretary of the University Advisory Committee (SAC): advises and consults with the Vice President and Secretary of the University concerning topics of interest with relevance to the University Regents and operations. For more information, email the committee at: SA-[email protected].

Student Relations Advisory Committee (SRAC): advises and consults with the Vice President of Student Life concerning topics of interest at the intersection of faculty and student concern. For more information, email the committee at [email protected].

4.E.2 Senate Assembly Standing and Special Faculty Committees

Administration Evaluation Committee (AEC): supports the evaluation of administrators by the faculty by the regular administration of a survey.

Committee on Anti-Racism (CAR): addresses the structural, procedural, cultural, and climate-related issues that contribute to systemic racism and racism experienced by faculty of color on the Ann Arbor, Dearborn, and Flint campuses.

Committee on the Economic and Social Well-Being of the Faculty (CESWF): considers topics such as campus climate and social well-being and other faculty-life issues.

Committee for Fairness, Equity, and Inclusion (CFEI): considers issues of inclusion for all populations on the three campuses including Ann Arbor, Dearborn, and Flint.

Committee on Oversight of Administrative Action (COAA): considers issues related to the Equity, Civil Rights and Title IX Office (ECRT) [now the Office of Institutional Equity], including the grievance process and implementation of sanctions.

Davis, Markert, and Nickerson Academic Freedom Lecture Committee (DMN): identifies speakers and facilitates logistics for the annual DMN lecture.

Rules, Practice and Policies Committee: At the request of the Senate, Senate Assembly, SACUA, or another committee of Senate Assembly, the Rules Committee reviews and suggests modifications, if appropriate, in the “Rules of the University Senate, the Senate Assembly, and the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs” or other Senate Assembly legislation. For more information, email the committee at [email protected]<.

Tenure, Promotions, and Professional Development Committee (TPP): advises Senate Assembly on questions regarding tenure policy; initiates studies of tenure questions; reports findings and recommendations to SACUA and Senate Assembly (not populated for 2021-2022), For more information, email the committee at [email protected].

Last updated July 2020.