Chapter 6: Tenure

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6.F Non-reappointment of Tenure-track Faculty

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When there is a decision by a department, division, school, or college not to recommend reappointment or tenure, the faculty member should be notified of that decision in writing as soon as possible. Faculty members should be offered the opportunity to discuss the decision at their request. The notification is the responsibility of the administrative head of the unit or department in which the decision is made.

Guidelines for giving notice of non- reappointment, as set forth in SPG 201.88, are listed below. These are minimum requirements; school or college procedures may provide for earlier notice.

Regular instructional faculty members with one year of continuous service or less shall be given notice of non- reappointment at least three months before the scheduled expiration of that appointment.

Regular instructional faculty members with more than one year but less than two years of continuous service shall be given notice of non-reappointment by December 15 if the appointment expires at the end of the following winter term. In cases of appointments terminating at other times, notice will be given no later than five months before the termination date.

Regular instructional faculty members whose years of continuous service have extended beyond two years shall be given notice of non- reappointment not later than September 15 of the fall term of the last academic year of the appointment. If the appointment is scheduled to terminate at some time other than the end of the winter term, notice of non-reappointment shall be given no later than nine months before the end of that appointment.

(Supplemental instructional faculty appointments are considered to be terminal, and notice is not required; see handbook subsection 5.C.3 “Lecturers.”)