Chapter 6: Tenure

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6.K Professional Responsibilities

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The privilege of a faculty appointment brings with it commensurate responsibilities: responsibilities to serve students, colleagues, and the University, as well as academe and society; to hold oneself to high standards of teaching, scholarship, research, and service; and to adhere to high standards of professional integrity and conduct. Integrity in scholarship, research, and teaching is a fundamental value upon which the University is founded.

Without integrity, we could not justify the privilege of academic freedom intrinsic to scholarship, research, and education, nor could we provide to society the advancements of knowledge that derive from open inquiry. It is, therefore, a fundamental responsibility of the faculty to abide by University and professional standards of academic and research integrity. See handbook section 7.C “Norms, Policies, and Regulations Guiding Scholarship and Research.”

Professional responsibility also requires conduct that is in accord with all University policies, and state and federal laws and regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, policies and laws on the proper use of University funds and conflict of interest (see section 9.G “Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment”), use of animals and human subjects in research (see handbook subsection 7.C.9 “Use of Human or Animal Subjects”), occupational safety (see handbook section 18.H “Campus Health and Safety”), discrimination (see handbook Chapter 2 “Diversity and Nondiscrimination”), and sexual harassment (see handbook Chapter 11 “Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct”). See also handbook Chapter 9 “Faculty as Representatives of the University/Service.”

Failure to maintain these standards may be sufficient cause for a faculty member to be subjected to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the faculty under bylaw 5.09 or other applicable procedures.