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Chapter 7: Scholarship and Research

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7.F Intellectual Property and Innovation Partnerships

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The overall objective of the technology transfer activities of the University as managed by Innovation Partnerships is to effectively pass University technologies to the market so as to generate benefits for the University, the community and the general public.
Innovation Partnerships offers a full set of services to ensure effective technology transfer that includes those below.

  • Technology transfer process
  • Patents and other legal protection
  • General start-up information
  • Options for commercialization
  • Royalties and revenue

Innovation Partnerships is located in Building 520 on the North Campus Research Complex (NCRC) and offers a satellite office in the College of Engineering. Its staff includes licensing professionals, new business development consultants, attorneys and support personnel who work closely with the Division for Research Development and Administration (ORSP), the Office of the General Counsel, departments, and schools and colleges. Innovation Partnerships reports to the vice president for research.
University employees have an obligation to disclose to Innovation Partnerships any intellectual property developed or discovered as described in Regents Bylaw 3.10. Innovation Partnerships will promptly review disclosures to advise the inventor(s) of appropriate options for commercialization, as well as any other questions relating to intellectual property resulting from University research.

Additional information is available from the Innovation Partnerships website, including the University’s current policy on intellectual property.

Ownership of scholarly works, textbooks, software, and other copyrighted material created by University employees is defined in the University of Michigan Copyright Policy.

Chapter 7: Scholarship and Research

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7.G International Initiatives

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The University of Michigan prepares its students for lives of significant international engagement, supports faculty research and programs that address the world’s most pressing problems, and expands and deepens global partnerships. The University was one of only five U.S. colleges and universities, and the only comprehensive research university, to be honored with a 2012 Senator Paul Simon Award for Comprehensive Internationalization from NAFSA: the Association of International Educators.

Numerous international opportunities and initiatives are available, some of which are outlined briefly below. Interested faculty should check with their dean’s office for information about school- or college-specific opportunities; all schools and colleges have an office or individual responsible for coordinating international activities and programs.

Global Michigan  The University’s web portal to a wide range of international activities and initiatives. Topics include information about study abroad, internships, service-learning programs, research, and funding; travel planning (including links to the travel registry, policies, and University Travel Warning and Restriction destinations); student organizations and on-campus events with an international focus; information for international students, scholars, and alumni; facts about our global community; and tools for administrators who deal with international programs and activities.

International Travel  Many of our faculty, staff, and students travel internationally as part of their University experience. The Travel Registry is a secure U-M site where U-M faculty, staff, and students are required to register all international travel for academic, business or other University-related purposes. Domestic travel may also be registered at the discretion of the traveler.  The registry is a convenient, one-stop service that links people to emergency communications, access to travel abroad health insurance, and more. Faculty and staff are covered under a blanket travel abroad insurance policy (up to 180 days), and students are required to register for this coverage (or a department administrator can register them).  In addition, all faculty, staff, and students traveling internationally for any University-related purpose are covered under a blanket policy for emergency evacuation due to political unrest or natural disaster. More information about international travel policies and procedures can be found at: <>.

International Agreements Faculty who are interested in developing relationships with non-U.S. institutions should have their plans reviewed by the appropriate dean.  Proposed memoranda of understanding must be reviewed by the Office of the General Counsel and should be approved and in place before activities begin. Collaborative agreements that commit University resources must identify the units that will provide these resources and be signed by the dean, director or other appropriate official of that unit.  Guidelines for establishing international agreements are available on the Global Michigan portal.

International Delegations Guidelines for managing visiting delegations and requests for visits have been developed and distributed to schools and colleges.  In addition, each school and college has designated a point person with whom the provost’s office works when responding to requests and/or planning visits by delegations from overseas universities.

The Office of the Vice Provost for Global and Engaged Education provides coordination for campus-wide academic programs with an international focus, shares leadership in strategic planning to advance the University’s goals relating to internationalization, and serves as a clearinghouse for information about the University’s international activities and programs.  The office also supports the development of global collaborations and internationally-themed curricular initiatives.

The Council on Global Engagement seeks collaborative efficiencies and best practices in processes and procedures across the University on international engagement activities. The council, which reports to the Office of the Provost and is composed of faculty and staff from across the University, meets regularly to share information and discuss issues pertaining to international engagement.

The Center for Global and Intercultural Study (CGIS) is a unit within the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, currently offers 90 study abroad programs in a diverse array of destinations.    CGIS administers the Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates, an innovative non-traditional program that sends groups of 12-15 students for a month of work and study at field sites around the world.  CGIS’s Global Course Connections develops closer curricular integration between departmental course offerings and study abroad by providing financial support for short-term experiences abroad within semester-long courses. See:

The International Center provides services and programs for international students and scholars. The IC is well resourced to meet the needs of this diverse clientele and to comply with all government regulations affecting non-immigrant students and scholars.  It provides an extensive orientation program for new students, a weekly scholar orientation that introduces new arrivals to campus and community, and ensures basic needs are met before classes start or work begins.  Programs for students continue throughout their stay to help them understand U.S. culture; become involved in campus and community life; and integrate their learning with realities at home.  Scholars and families join students in social and cultural programs on campus and elsewhere.  IC advisors assist students and scholars with all questions and concerns, refer them to other offices as needed, and work with all campus units to ensure their success.

The International Institute has 18 centers (including six National Resource Centers) and 500 faculty associates who advance the exchange of knowledge and resources across campus and with overseas partners.  The Institute enriches instructional programs, administers an international studies concentration and minor, advances language study, awards funding to students and faculty for research and overseas study, brings leading scholars together to address international problems, and assists in recruiting faculty with international interests.  The Institute also coordinates information sessions and mentors student applicants for Fulbright Grants.

The Global Scholars living and learning community includes domestic and international students who participate in a curricular program (dialogue course and teleconferencing with students at overseas partner schools), and a co-curricular program (lecture series and group projects).

Chapter 7: Scholarship and Research

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7.E Sponsored Projects

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7.E.1 Initial Steps

The research associate deans (RADs) or school or college research director and the ORSP project representatives assist faculty in identifying potential sponsors and planning proposals for particular sponsors and in anticipating issues that must be considered before the proposal is written. In preliminary discussions with sponsors, faculty members are requested not to discuss or propose indirect cost arrangements. After a potential sponsor is selected, the RAD or research director and the project representative ensure that the sponsor’s requirements and University policies are met, and advise on handling of space, equipment, and personnel in the proposal. Some expenses of proposal preparation, such as artwork, reproduction, and mailing, are covered by the ORSP budget. For more information, see “Develop Proposal” available from the U-M ORSP research website.

If a preliminary proposal is submitted to a sponsor without being processed through the established review procedures, the project director should make clear to the potential sponsor that any agreement becomes binding for the University only when it is approved in the formal review process. In some instances, funds meant to support a project may be required to be treated as a sponsored project even if the source of support is a gift. ORSP and Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) have developed an agreement for properly identifying the nature of the funds. See “Characteristics of a Sponsored Project.”

7.E.2 Budget Planning and Preparation

The project director (sometimes referred to as principal investigator) has primary responsibility for budget planning in consultation with the RAD/department chair/school or college research director. Budgets for all sponsored proposals are subject to review by ORSP, and staff members are available to assist in the budget projection. All project budgets need to comply with cost accounting standards (see section 7.C.4 “Cost Accounting Standards”) as outlined by the federal government. Detailed advice is available from ORSP project representatives and on the U-M research website—see Budget Planning and Preparation.

7.E.3 Submission of Proposals

Bylaw 3.07 requires that every grant proposal and contract application be submitted to the appropriate University channels for approval before being sent to the proposed sponsor (see Proposal Preparation and Submission). This ensures that its provisions are consistent with policies of the University and the State of Michigan. Faculty should check with the RAD or school or college research director for procedures and policies concerning unit-level approval. ORSP assists project directors in carrying out this obligation by checking that all sponsor requirements are fulfilled, reviewing the proposed budget, and routing the completed proposal through University channels for the required signatures. The procedure for processing a proposal is detailed on the Proposal Approval Form (PAF), an internal form that should accompany any proposal on its way through University channels.

ORSP recommends allotting five working days to complete the process of reviewing the budget and obtaining signatures and other certifications required before a proposal can be submitted. Individual schools and colleges also have guidelines for appropriate timing of processing and approving proposals within the unit and before a proposal is submitted to ORSP. Faculty should notify their RAD or school or college research director and ORSP project representative as early as possible that a proposal will be submitted for a particular deadline. More information about proposal requirements is available at the U-M research website (see Proposal Preparation and Submission).

7.E.4 Acceptance of Proposals and Funding

Faculty members may neither sign contracts nor accept grants in the name of the University. Most grants and all contracts and subcontracts issued to the University require signatures of both the sponsor and the University. Generally, contracts are prepared by the sponsor; forwarded to the University for review, negotiation, and signature; and then returned to the sponsor for signature. Only the executive vice president and  chief financial officer and his or her specially designated alternate can sign a contract on behalf of the Regents.

7.E.5 Material Transfer Approval Form

When materials, such as biological or chemical compounds, equipment, or prototype are to be used in research projects, companies or others with a proprietary interest in these materials may be willing to transfer them to the University without charge with the stipulation that agreements be signed in exchange for the transfer to protect proprietary interests. See Materials Transfer Agreements. A Materials Transfer Approval Form should be submitted to secure the approval/endorsement of appropriate University officials for such transfers. Faculty members and department heads do not have the authority to accept transfer agreements. Depending on the kind of material being transported, there may be regulations governing proper containers and handling. Contact Occupational Safety and Environmental Health (OSEH) for guidance.

7.E.6 Project Administration

Once a faculty member has obtained funding for a sponsored project, the unit administrator and ORSP staff members assist with matters related to personnel, space, equipment, and services. As noted in section 7.B.3 “Financial Operations” provides the business services needed for the financial administration of sponsored projects. See the website at <>.

The project director has primary responsibility for the management of all expenditures under his or her sponsored projects. The department, research unit, and school or college also share in that responsibility. Departments/units will be required to replace any funds that are found to have been spent in a manner inconsistent with University policies or sponsors’ restrictions and are responsible for any cost overruns.

7.E.7 Cessation of Funding

Appointments of faculty to positions paid in whole or in part from grants or limited-term contracts are subject to specific provisions in the event that these funds cease. Those who are tenured or who are in the middle of a term appointment and held full- or part-time positions paid from general University funds before the outside funding ceased are restored to the status of the prior appointment, either with tenure or for the remainder of the term of that appointment and at the appropriate salary for the appointment in that unit. The appointments of individuals brought to the University to perform duties paid for from limited-term funds are terminated on the cessation of those funds unless the individuals have received other appointments.

Nothing prohibits a department from recommending a new appointee to a tenure grade within the instructional faculty and assigning this individual immediately to duties payable from limited-term funds. If these limited-term funds become no longer available, the department will be responsible for providing an assignment and salary for the duration of the individual’s appointment (bylaw 5.08).

Members of the research faculty who are supported by grants and contracts may be provided financial bridging support during gaps in the funding of their projects. The term and amount of such support are determined by the unit, department, or the UM Office of Research (UMOR).  This site includes a table that outlines bridging support eligibility according to rank and years of service at the University. See also section 5.M “Cessation of Funding for Appointments Supported by Grants and Contracts.”  Assistance may also be requested from the UM Office of Research. In general, the criteria for support are length of service at the University, resumption of funding at the end of the bridging period, importance of the research to the unit, endorsement of the dean or director, and availability of funds.

Chapter 7: Scholarship and Research

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7.D Resources for the Support of Scholarship, Research, and Other Creative Activity

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7.D.1 Funding from UM Sources

A number of central administration offices as well as schools, colleges, and departments provide funds to support research, scholarship, and other creative activity. Support is most often available to seed projects in the early stages of development, encourage interdisciplinary work, help purchase equipment, provide bridging support between periods of externally supported work, offset some costs of publication and artistic productions and performances, and provide cost-sharing funds that sponsors may require. Online sources list internal sources of support, including “Find Funding” on the Office of Research and Special Projects (ORSP) website , and “Funding” on the Rackham Graduate School website.  The unit administrator in most schools and colleges also has information about sources of support.

7.D.2 Funding from External Sources

Faculty members are urged to contact their unit administrator and ORSP project representatives for assistance with identifying potential sponsors of research, scholarship, and other creative activity. In addition, a library of guides to sponsors, fellowships, and other kinds of support is maintained at the ORSP offices in Wolverine Tower and on the “Funds for Research and Scholarship” portion of the website.

7.D.3 Identifying Collaborators

The Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) facilitates partnerships between first and second year students and U-M faculty and research scientists. All schools and colleges of the University of Michigan are active participants. UROP pays student wages, provides academic credit options, and manages paperwork. See for more information.


7.D.4 Other Resources

Computing support for scholarship and research comes from many sources. Information and Technology Services (ITS) has primary responsibility for a wide range of services and infrastructure requirements. For more information, see Chapter 20, “Technology and Communications,” or the ITS website at <>. The Center for Statistical Consultation and Research (CSCAR) < > is administratively located in the UM Office of Research, and is available to assist with study design, selection of statistical methodology, and interpretation and presentation of results.

UMOR ’s website also provides information about proposal preparation and submission.

Chapter 7: Scholarship and Research

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7.C Norms, Policies, and Regulations Guiding Scholarship and Research

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7.C.1 Introduction

Honesty, candor, openness, and integrity are guiding principles that faculty members are expected to adhere to in all of their academic activities, including research and scholarship. Faculty members are also the primary source of guidance for responsible research practices among students and employees.

The University is committed to promoting a culture of safety among faculty, staff, students, and visitors; providing a safe and healthy place to work, study, live, or visit; and to protecting the natural environment.  The University is committed to complying with all applicable workplace safety, health and environmental rules and regulations.  The University academic, research, clinical, student, and operations units will assess the safety and environmental impact of projects/activities and will implement strategies that support successful education and research while respecting and caring for the environment, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Faculty play an essential role in creating a culture of safety in laboratories and other research and educational settings. Section 605.01 of the Standard Practice Guide provides critical information about faculty responsibilities for safety.

U-M’s Comprehensive Compliance Program

U-M faculty, staff, and students engage in almost every activity imaginable—including, but by no means limited to, scholarship and research. For this reason, the scope of laws that apply to those activities is extensive, which makes it a challenge to understand and comply with them.

With direction from the president and the executive leadership team, the Office of the Vice President and General Counsel has created a comprehensive compliance program for the University. The goal of this overarching effort is to map U-M’s legislative and regulatory compliance obligations and activities from an institutional perspective, and to make information about the U-M’s obligations accessible and to identify and help to address any gaps that exist in how the University is managing its obligations.

In the area of scholarship and research, for example, the “Procedures for Investigating Allegations of Misconduct in the Pursuit of Scholarship and Research” sets forth for all members of the University community a code of conduct that has a specific reference to research activity. The text of the policy is available from the Office of the UM Office of Research (UMOR) or on the Web at <>.

In addition, University of Michigan Office of Research (UMOR) sponsors the online Program for the Education and Evaluation in Responsible Research Scholarship (PEERRS), a web-based instruction and certification program for members of the University community engaged in or associated with research

UMOR ’s website also lists additional educational opportunities in the responsible conduct of research at

Compliance Resource

To make faculty and staff aware of the laws that apply to their activities and what people must do to meet them, the University created the online Compliance Resource Center.

The information provided by the center addresses the University’s core areas of activity: research, teaching, health care, and athletics. One section of the website deals specifically with the important topic of conflict of interest and conflict of commitment. With regard to support functions, the site covers such key areas as people, safety, the environment, taxes, financials, facilities and other infrastructure, international activities, and information management. The site also provides information about how to register concerns about situations where the University may not be fulfilling its compliance responsibilities.

7.C.2 Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment (Sponsored Research)

The potential for conflicts of interest or commitment can arise in a number of different situations; for a general discussion of the topic and a list of applicable University policies, see section 9.G “Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment.”

In the context of sponsored research, conflicts of interest most frequently occur when there are overlapping financial interests. Faculty members are responsible for disclosing significant financial interests or management positions that may arise from relationships with sponsors or other outside entities; this may also include disclosure of financial and management interests of the faculty member’s immediate family. See “Policy and Procedures for Dealing with Financial and Outside Management Conflicts of Interest in Sponsored Projects and Technology Transfer.” The Proposal Approval Form (PAF), discussed in section 7.E.3 “Submission of Proposals”, requires certain certifications and disclosures, including disclosures regarding any significant financial interest or absence thereof. The policy and disclosure form are available on the research website.

A review procedure that involves a faculty committee is in place to review significant financial interests related to sponsored projects. If appropriate, the committee will devise and oversee mechanisms to manage any serious conflicts. In addition, advice is available from unit administrative offices or from the Office of the Vice President and General Counsel. Additional requirements may be composed by specific funding agencies.

7.C.3 Consulting/Work Outside the University

The University encourages faculty involvement in outside activities, including consulting, if this contributes to the intellectual enrichment of faculty members and their students and serves the University as a whole. It is important that these relationships, with regard to time spent and fees earned, stay in balance with other faculty obligations of teaching, research and scholarship, and service to the University and society, and that they not present a conflict of interest or a conflict of commitment. All full-time faculty members must obtain approval from the appropriate University authority, usually the dean or director of the academic unit, when contemplating outside employment during the academic year (bylaw 5.12; SPG 201.65-0). See also section 9.E “Working Outside the University,” and section 9.K “Use of University Equipment and Property.”

7.C.4 Cost Accounting Standards

Cost accounting practices must be consistent for all University activities. Adherence to University cost accounting procedures has significant implications for the preparation and approval of budget materials in all proposals to federal sponsors. Faculty should consult with the appropriate unit administrator or a ORSP project representative if they have questions regarding the application of these cost accounting standards to specific project budgets or federal sponsoring agencies.

7.C.5 Direct and Indirect Costs

Direct costs (such as salaries, equipment, supplies, and travel) can be identified and attributed to a specific project. Indirect costs (such as costs associated with use of buildings and equipment, library and computing expenses, and sponsored project administration) are common to projects, programs, or activities of the institution and cannot be easily attributed to specific projects.

The determination of direct and indirect costs on federal projects is guided by the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB), as described in OMB Circular No. A-21: Uniform Guidance Cost Principles.  See also SPG 303.02. Non-federal funding sources may have different policies. Unit administrators or ORSP project representatives have information about policies of specific funding agencies.

7.C.6 Interdisciplinary Activity

Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary activity is one of the great strengths of our University. The UM Office of Research, in collaboration with the deans and other faculty, is especially committed to nurturing activity by faculty who work at and across disciplinary boundaries. The Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies also promotes and facilitates interdisciplinary workshops and joins people from across the institution in ways that allow them to experience and take advantage of the University as a scholarly community, for example through presentations, discussions, and debate. While departments, as they should, encourage graduate students to focus their scholarly efforts, the Graduate School seeks to remind them that they are part of a much larger intellectual endeavor.

7.C.7 Openness in Research Agreements

Openness in research agreements is such an important value that the Regents adopted a policy in 1987 to guide the University’s consideration of any secrecy stipulations by a sponsor of research or scholarship. It is an absolute requirement of the Regental policy that the University will accept no research agreement that restricts its freedom to disclose the agreement’s existence, scope, and purpose. The policy statement is available through SPG 303.01 and the research website under “Policies and Research Responsibility/U-M Policies in “Openness in Research.”

7.C.8 Procurement Integrity in Federal Contracts

Federal law regulates the procurement of federal contracts with a value of more than $100,000. Since the law applies to federal contracts as opposed to federal grants, most faculty proposals for external research sponsorship are not affected. For additional information, consult the ORSP project representative.

7.C.9 Use of Human or Animal Subjects

The University enforces high standards for the appropriate use of human or animal subjects in research. No such use may begin without approval of the appropriate University oversight committee. On the Ann Arbor campus, committees charged with this responsibility include the Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) , the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), and the University Committee on Use and Care of Animals.

Faculty members are responsible for ensuring that their own research with human subjects and that of the students they supervise are reviewed by the relevant committee and that the research is conducted in conformance with approved plans. Respect for participation through appropriate consent and privacy provisions, minimization of risk, a favorable risk/benefit balance, equitable selection of subjects, and protection of vulnerable populations are the major criteria considered by oversight committees. (See UMOR Committees.)

Researchers who use animals in their studies are required to maintain regular contact with the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM). This unit is responsible for the supervision and coordination of the animal care program and for assuring compliance with federal regulations. It is also an educational resource.

7.C.10 Compliance in Health Care

The compliance program at UMHS reflects its commitment to maintain the highest ethical standards and to comply with all applicable laws, policies, rules and regulations. Detailed information about UMHS’s compliance program is available at on their website. See also section 9.M “Compliance in Health Care.”

7.C.11 Other Policies

Other Resources: The OVPR Resources for Researchers page provides a portal for U-M researchers.

Chapter 7: Scholarship and Research

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7.B Scholarship and Research Support for Faculty

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7.B.1 Departments

Both informal and formal collaborations with faculty colleagues can be important sources of support for research and scholarly initiatives. In addition, department chairs have an important role in fostering the research, scholarship, and other creative activities of faculty members through a variety of activities, including support for proposal development. Department chairs have a formal role in the project proposal process by certifying the allocation of space and effort for faculty when they are submitting a proposal for external funding.

7.B.2 Schools and Colleges

Most schools and colleges at the University employ an individual whose duties include enhancement of the research, scholarship, and other creative activities of the faculty members in the school or college. Sometimes this individual is a research associate dean (RAD); in other instances, these responsibilities are assigned to the director of a research unit within the school or college. These unit administrators help explore and develop new opportunities for faculty work, maintain and expand the infrastructure, approve cost-sharing commitments, establish policies concerning some aspects of scholarly activity, and assist with other aspects of project development and administration. Faculty contemplating the development of proposals for University or external funding should begin their exploration of funding sources by consulting the appropriate unit administrator. For the name of a unit’s RAD or research administrator, consult the U-M research website listed in section Chapter 7, section 7.A “General Principles”, or contact the appropriate dean’s office.

7.B.3 Financial Operations

Business services for sponsored projects are provided by Financial Operations, which are offices reporting to the University controller and under the executive vice president and chief financial officer. Financial operations establishes accounts to assist with the orderly expenditure of funds from internal or external sources and provides regular statements of accounts. Details about the functions, procedures, and staffing of the Sponsored Programs section of Financial Operations are available from its website.

7.B.4 Office of Research and Sponsored Projects (ORSP)

ORSP assists faculty and staff members in all aspects of externally funded research projects and other scholarly activities, including the identification of a potential sponsor and preparation of a proposal, assistance with various administrative issues that may arise during the course of the project, and submission of the closing documents. ORSP project representatives serve as liaisons with specific groups of sponsors. In this way, they can keep apprised of agency policies and programs in technical, scientific, and scholarly fields and can devote attention to the specific requirements of the sponsoring agencies. ORSP is located in Wolverine Tower, 3003 South State, First Floor (phone: 764-5500; fax: 764-8510).

7.B.5 UM Office of Research

The UM Office of Research (UMOR) promotes and advocates for research, scholarship, and other creative activity; supports the development of infrastructure and administrative systems; and establishes policy guidelines for conduct of research and scholarly activity at the University. UMOR staff in Washington, D.C., monitor Congressional and agency activity and budgets, provide assistance in identifying emerging research initiatives, assist faculty who wish to interact with elected officials and federal policy-makers, and meet with faculty who have questions and concerns on funding and policy issues. The vice president for research has primary responsibility for overseeing research policy development, administering externally sponsored activities by faculty members as authorized by bylaw 2.07, and guiding any misconduct investigations that may be required. The vice president for research also provides administrative oversight of several research and internal service units. The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) and the Institute for Research on Women and Gender (IRWG) are examples of research units; the Office of Research and Sponsored Project (ORSP) and the Business Engagement Center (BEC) are examples of internal service units.

Faculty members serve on several committees that advise the vice president for research in formulation of policy or administration of research and scholarship, including the Conflict of Interest Review Committee, Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) for Human Subject Research, Research Policies Committee (RPC), and the University Committee on Use and Care of Animals (UCUCA). Membership of these committees and their functions are provided on the research website.

Honesty, candor, openness, and integrity are guiding principles that faculty members are expected to adhere to in all of their academic activities, including research and scholarship. Faculty members are also the primary source of guidance for responsible research practices among students and employees. Policy on the integrity of scholarship and procedures for investigating allegations of misconduct in the pursuit of scholarship and research sets forth for all members of the University community a code of conduct that has a specific reference to research activity. The policy is available on the website of the Office of Research <>.

The UMOR sponsors the online Program for the Education and Evaluation in Responsible Research Scholarship (PEERRS), a web-based instruction and certification program for members of the University community engaged in or associated with research <>. (SPG 303.01) In addition, UMOR ’s website lists additional educational opportunities in the responsible conduct of research at <> under Compliance Training and Guidance.

Chapter 7: Scholarship and Research

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7.A General Principles

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The original works of the faculty— whether research, scholarship or other creative activities—are vital contributions to the mission of the University of Michigan. These endeavors enhance the teaching by the faculty, enrich the educational experience of the undergraduate students, provide the forum for the training of students pursuing graduate education, and contribute to the missions of advancing knowledge and serving the public. Details about most aspects of research at the U-M can be found at the U-M Office of Research website, referred to throughout this chapter. Questions about the website should be directed by e-mail to [email protected].

Updated 2022